defmodel(X, Y, learning_rate = 0.01, num_iterations = 15000, print_cost = True, initialization = "he"): """ Implements a three-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID. Arguments: X -- input data, of shape (2, number of examples) Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 for red dots; 1 for blue dots), of shape (1, number of examples) learning_rate -- learning rate for gradient descent num_iterations -- number of iterations to run gradient descent print_cost -- if True, print the cost every 1000 iterations initialization -- flag to choose which initialization to use ("zeros","random" or "he") Returns: parameters -- parameters learnt by the model """ grads = {} costs = [] # to keep track of the loss m = X.shape[1] # number of examples layers_dims = [X.shape[0], 10, 5, 1] # Initialize parameters dictionary. if initialization == "zeros": parameters = initialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims) elif initialization == "random": parameters = initialize_parameters_random(layers_dims) elif initialization == "he": parameters = initialize_parameters_he(layers_dims)
# Loop (gradient descent)
for i inrange(0, num_iterations):
# Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID. a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters) # Loss cost = compute_loss(a3, Y)
# Backward propagation. grads = backward_propagation(X, Y, cache) # Update parameters. parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate) # Print the loss every 1000 iterations if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0: print("Cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, cost)) costs.append(cost) # plot the loss plt.plot(costs) plt.ylabel('cost') plt.xlabel('iterations (per hundreds)') plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate)) return parameters
Zero initialization
There are two types of parameters to initialize in a neural network:
the weight matrices $(W^{[1]}, W^{[2]}, W^{[3]}, …, W^{[L-1]}, W^{[L]})$
the bias vectors $(b^{[1]}, b^{[2]}, b^{[3]}, …, b^{[L-1]}, b^{[L]})$
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize all parameters to zeros. You’ll see later that this does not work well since it fails to “break symmetry”, but lets try it anyway and see what happens. Use np.zeros((..,..)) with the correct shapes.
definitialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims): """ Arguments: layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer. Returns: parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL": W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0]) b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1) ... WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1]) bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1) """ parameters = {} L = len(layers_dims) # number of layers in the network for l inrange(1, L): ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code) parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],layers_dims[l-1])) parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],1)) ### END CODE HERE ### return parameters
**What you should remember**:
- The weights $W^{[l]}$ should be initialized randomly to break symmetry.
- It is however okay to initialize the biases $b^{[l]}$ to zeros. Symmetry is still broken so long as $W^{[l]}$ is initialized randomly.
Random initialization
To break symmetry, lets intialize the weights randomly. Following random initialization, each neuron can then proceed to learn a different function of its inputs. In this exercise, you will see what happens if the weights are intialized randomly, but to very large values.
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize your weights to large random values (scaled by *10) and your biases to zeros. Use np.random.randn(..,..) * 10 for weights and np.zeros((.., ..)) for biases. We are using a fixed np.random.seed(..) to make sure your “random” weights match ours, so don’t worry if running several times your code gives you always the same initial values for the parameters.
definitialize_parameters_random(layers_dims): """ Arguments: layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer. Returns: parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL": W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0]) b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1) ... WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1]) bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1) """ np.random.seed(3) # This seed makes sure your "random" numbers will be the as ours parameters = {} L = len(layers_dims) # integer representing the number of layers for l inrange(1, L): ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code) parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layers_dims[l],layers_dims[l-1]) * 10 parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],1)) ### END CODE HERE ###
return parameters
In summary:
Initializing weights to very large random values does not work well.
Hopefully intializing with small random values does better. The important question is: how small should be these random values be? Lets find out in the next part!
He initialization
Finally, try “He Initialization”; this is named for the first author of He et al., 2015. (If you have heard of “Xavier initialization”, this is similar except Xavier initialization uses a scaling factor for the weights $W^{[l]}$ of sqrt(1./layers_dims[l-1]) where He initialization would use sqrt(2./layers_dims[l-1]).)
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize your parameters with He initialization.
Hint: This function is similar to the previous initialize_parameters_random(...). The only difference is that instead of multiplying np.random.randn(..,..) by 10, you will multiply it by $\sqrt{\frac{2}{\text{dimension of the previous layer}}}$, which is what He initialization recommends for layers with a ReLU activation.