第四课第一周-Convolutional Neural Networks-Application
Convolutional Neural Networks: Application
Welcome to Course 4’s second assignment! In this notebook, you will:
- Implement helper functions that you will use when implementing a TensorFlow model
- Implement a fully functioning ConvNet using TensorFlow
After this assignment you will be able to:
- Build and train a ConvNet in TensorFlow for a classification problem
We assume here that you are already familiar with TensorFlow. If you are not, please refer the TensorFlow Tutorial of the third week of Course 2 (“Improving deep neural networks“).
Create placeholders
TensorFlow requires that you create placeholders for the input data that will be fed into the model when running the session.
Exercise: Implement the function below to create placeholders for the input image X and the output Y. You should not define the number of training examples for the moment. To do so, you could use “None” as the batch size, it will give you the flexibility to choose it later. Hence X should be of dimension [None, n_H0, n_W0, n_C0] and Y should be of dimension [None, n_y]. Hint.
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: create_placeholders |
Initialize parameters
You will initialize weights/filters $W1$ and $W2$ using tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(seed = 0)
. You don’t need to worry about bias variables as you will soon see that TensorFlow functions take care of the bias. Note also that you will only initialize the weights/filters for the conv2d functions. TensorFlow initializes the layers for the fully connected part automatically. We will talk more about that later in this assignment.
Exercise: Implement initialize_parameters(). The dimensions for each group of filters are provided below. Reminder - to initialize a parameter $W$ of shape [1,2,3,4] in Tensorflow, use:
1 | W = tf.get_variable("W", [1,2,3,4], initializer = ...) |
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: initialize_parameters |
Forward propagation
In TensorFlow, there are built-in functions that carry out the convolution steps for you.
tf.nn.conv2d(X,W1, strides = [1,s,s,1], padding = ‘SAME’): given an input $X$ and a group of filters $W1$, this function convolves $W1$’s filters on X. The third input ([1,f,f,1]) represents the strides for each dimension of the input (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev). You can read the full documentation here
tf.nn.max_pool(A, ksize = [1,f,f,1], strides = [1,s,s,1], padding = ‘SAME’): given an input A, this function uses a window of size (f, f) and strides of size (s, s) to carry out max pooling over each window. You can read the full documentation here
tf.nn.relu(Z1): computes the elementwise ReLU of Z1 (which can be any shape). You can read the full documentation here.
tf.contrib.layers.flatten(P): given an input P, this function flattens each example into a 1D vector it while maintaining the batch-size. It returns a flattened tensor with shape [batch_size, k]. You can read the full documentation here.
tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(F, num_outputs): given a the flattened input F, it returns the output computed using a fully connected layer. You can read the full documentation here.
In the last function above (tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected
), the fully connected layer automatically initializes weights in the graph and keeps on training them as you train the model. Hence, you did not need to initialize those weights when initializing the parameters.
Implement the forward_propagation
function below to build the following model: CONV2D -> RELU -> MAXPOOL -> CONV2D -> RELU -> MAXPOOL -> FLATTEN -> FULLYCONNECTED
. You should use the functions above.
In detail, we will use the following parameters for all the steps:
- Conv2D: stride 1, padding is “SAME”
- ReLU
- Max pool: Use an 8 by 8 filter size and an 8 by 8 stride, padding is “SAME”
- Conv2D: stride 1, padding is “SAME”
- ReLU
- Max pool: Use a 4 by 4 filter size and a 4 by 4 stride, padding is “SAME”
- Flatten the previous output.
- FULLYCONNECTED (FC) layer: Apply a fully connected layer without an non-linear activation function. Do not call the softmax here. This will result in 6 neurons in the output layer, which then get passed later to a softmax. In TensorFlow, the softmax and cost function are lumped together into a single function, which you’ll call in a different function when computing the cost.
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: forward_propagation |
Compute cost
Implement the compute cost function below. You might find these two functions helpful:
- tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = Z3, labels = Y): computes the softmax entropy loss. This function both computes the softmax activation function as well as the resulting loss. You can check the full documentation here.
- tf.reduce_mean: computes the mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor. Use this to sum the losses over all the examples to get the overall cost. You can check the full documentation here.
Exercise: Compute the cost below using the function above.
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: compute_cost |
Finally you will merge the helper functions you implemented above to build a model. You will train it on the SIGNS dataset.
You have implemented random_mini_batches()
in the Optimization programming assignment of course 2. Remember that this function returns a list of mini-batches.
Exercise: Complete the function below.
The model below should:
- create placeholders
- initialize parameters
- forward propagate
- compute the cost
- create an optimizer
Finally you will create a session and run a for loop for num_epochs, get the mini-batches, and then for each mini-batch you will optimize the function. Hint for initializing the variables
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: model |
第四课第一周-Convolutional Neural Networks-Application