Welcome to your week 3 programming assignment. You will learn about object detection using the very powerful YOLO model. Many of the ideas in this notebook are described in the two YOLO papers: Redmon et al., 2016 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.02640) and Redmon and Farhadi, 2016 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08242).
You will learn to:
Use object detection on a car detection dataset
Deal with bounding boxes
YOLO (“you only look once”) is a popular algoritm because it achieves high accuracy while also being able to run in real-time. This algorithm “only looks once” at the image in the sense that it requires only one forward propagation pass through the network to make predictions. After non-max suppression, it then outputs recognized objects together with the bounding boxes.
Last week, you built your first convolutional neural network. In recent years, neural networks have become deeper, with state-of-the-art networks going from just a few layers (e.g., AlexNet) to over a hundred layers.
The main benefit of a very deep network is that it can represent very complex functions. It can also learn features at many different levels of abstraction, from edges (at the lower layers) to very complex features (at the deeper layers). However, using a deeper network doesn’t always help. A huge barrier to training them is vanishing gradients: very deep networks often have a gradient signal that goes to zero quickly, thus making gradient descent unbearably slow. More specifically, during gradient descent, as you backprop from the final layer back to the first layer, you are multiplying by the weight matrix on each step, and thus the gradient can decrease exponentially quickly to zero (or, in rare cases, grow exponentially quickly and “explode” to take very large values).
Welcome to the first assignment of week 2. In this assignment, you will:
Learn to use Keras, a high-level neural networks API (programming framework), written in Python and capable of running on top of several lower-level frameworks including TensorFlow and CNTK.
See how you can in a couple of hours build a deep learning algorithm.
Why are we using Keras? Keras was developed to enable deep learning engineers to build and experiment with different models very quickly. Just as TensorFlow is a higher-level framework than Python, Keras is an even higher-level framework and provides additional abstractions. Being able to go from idea to result with the least possible delay is key to finding good models. However, Keras is more restrictive than the lower-level frameworks, so there are some very complex models that you can implement in TensorFlow but not (without more difficulty) in Keras. That being said, Keras will work fine for many common models.
In this exercise, you’ll work on the “Happy House” problem, which we’ll explain below. Let’s load the required packages and solve the problem of the Happy House!
Welcome to Course 4’s second assignment! In this notebook, you will:
Implement helper functions that you will use when implementing a TensorFlow model
Implement a fully functioning ConvNet using TensorFlow
After this assignment you will be able to:
Build and train a ConvNet in TensorFlow for a classification problem
We assume here that you are already familiar with TensorFlow. If you are not, please refer the TensorFlow Tutorial of the third week of Course 2 (“Improving deep neural networks“).
You will be implementing the building blocks of a convolutional neural network! Each function you will implement will have detailed instructions that will walk you through the steps needed:
A simple optimization method in machine learning is gradient descent (GD). When you take gradient steps with respect to all $m$ examples on each step, it is also called Batch Gradient Descent.
Consider a 1D linear function $J(\theta) = \theta x$. The model contains only a single real-valued parameter $\theta$, and takes $x$ as input.
You will implement code to compute $J(.)$ and its derivative $\frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta}$. You will then use gradient checking to make sure your derivative computation for $J$ is correct.
The diagram above shows the key computation steps: First start with $x$, then evaluate the function $J(x)$ (“forward propagation”). Then compute the derivative $\frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta}$ (“backward propagation”).
Exercise: implement “forward propagation” and “backward propagation” for this simple function. I.e., compute both $J(.)$ (“forward propagation”) and its derivative with respect to $\theta$ (“backward propagation”), in two separate functions.
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# GRADED FUNCTION: forward_propagation
defforward_propagation(x, theta): """ Implement the linear forward propagation (compute J) presented in Figure 1 (J(theta) = theta * x) Arguments: x -- a real-valued input theta -- our parameter, a real number as well Returns: J -- the value of function J, computed using the formula J(theta) = theta * x """ ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) J = theta * x ### END CODE HERE ### return J
Exercise: Now, implement the backward propagation step (derivative computation) of Figure 1. That is, compute the derivative of $J(\theta) = \theta x$ with respect to $\theta$. To save you from doing the calculus, you should get $dtheta = \frac { \partial J }{ \partial \theta} = x$.
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# GRADED FUNCTION: backward_propagation
defbackward_propagation(x, theta): """ Computes the derivative of J with respect to theta (see Figure 1). Arguments: x -- a real-valued input theta -- our parameter, a real number as well Returns: dtheta -- the gradient of the cost with respect to theta """ ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) dtheta = x ### END CODE HERE ### return dtheta
Exercise: To show that the backward_propagation() function is correctly computing the gradient $\frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta}$, let’s implement gradient checking.
First compute “gradapprox” using the formula above (1) and a small value of $\varepsilon$. Here are the Steps to follow:
Then compute the gradient using backward propagation, and store the result in a variable “grad”
Finally, compute the relative difference between “gradapprox” and the “grad” using the following formula: $$ difference = \frac {\mid\mid grad - gradapprox \mid\mid_2}{\mid\mid grad \mid\mid_2 + \mid\mid gradapprox \mid\mid_2} \tag{2}$$ You will need 3 Steps to compute this formula:
1’. compute the numerator using np.linalg.norm(…)
2’. compute the denominator. You will need to call np.linalg.norm(…) twice.
3’. divide them.
If this difference is small (say less than $10^{-7}$), you can be quite confident that you have computed your gradient correctly. Otherwise, there may be a mistake in the gradient computation.
defgradient_check(x, theta, epsilon = 1e-7): """ Implement the backward propagation presented in Figure 1. Arguments: x -- a real-valued input theta -- our parameter, a real number as well epsilon -- tiny shift to the input to compute approximated gradient with formula(1) Returns: difference -- difference (2) between the approximated gradient and the backward propagation gradient """ # Compute gradapprox using left side of formula (1). epsilon is small enough, you don't need to worry about the limit. ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 5 lines) thetaplus = theta + epsilon # Step 1 thetaminus = theta - epsilon # Step 2 J_plus = forward_propagation(x,thetaplus) # Step 3 J_minus = forward_propagation(x,thetaminus) # Step 4 gradapprox = (J_plus - J_minus)/(2*epsilon) # Step 5 ### END CODE HERE ### # Check if gradapprox is close enough to the output of backward_propagation() ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) grad = backward_propagation(x,theta) ### END CODE HERE ### ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) numerator = np.linalg.norm(grad - gradapprox) # Step 1' denominator = np.linalg.norm(grad)+np.linalg.norm(gradapprox) # Step 2' difference = numerator / denominator # Step 3' ### END CODE HERE ### if difference < 1e-7: print ("The gradient is correct!") else: print ("The gradient is wrong!") return difference
N-dimensional gradient checking
The following figure describes the forward and backward propagation of your fraud detection model.
Let’s look at your implementations for forward propagation and backward propagation.
However, $\theta$ is not a scalar anymore. It is a dictionary called “parameters”. We implemented a function “dictionary_to_vector()“ for you. It converts the “parameters” dictionary into a vector called “values”, obtained by reshaping all parameters (W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3) into vectors and concatenating them.
The inverse function is “vector_to_dictionary“ which outputs back the “parameters” dictionary.
Exercise: Implement gradient_check_n().
Instructions: Here is pseudo-code that will help you implement the gradient check.
For each i in num_parameters:
To compute J_plus[i]:
Set $\theta^{+}$ to np.copy(parameters_values)
Set $\theta^{+}_i$ to $\theta^{+}_i + \varepsilon$
Calculate $J^{+}_i$ using to forward_propagation_n(x, y, vector_to_dictionary($\theta^{+}$ )).
To compute J_minus[i]: do the same thing with $\theta^{-}$
Thus, you get a vector gradapprox, where gradapprox[i] is an approximation of the gradient with respect to parameter_values[i]. You can now compare this gradapprox vector to the gradients vector from backpropagation. Just like for the 1D case (Steps 1’, 2’, 3’), compute: $$ difference = \frac {| grad - gradapprox |_2}{| grad |_2 + | gradapprox |_2 } \tag{3}$$
defgradient_check_n(parameters, gradients, X, Y, epsilon = 1e-7): """ Checks if backward_propagation_n computes correctly the gradient of the cost output by forward_propagation_n Arguments: parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", "W2", "b2", "W3", "b3": grad -- output of backward_propagation_n, contains gradients of the cost with respect to the parameters. x -- input datapoint, of shape (input size, 1) y -- true "label" epsilon -- tiny shift to the input to compute approximated gradient with formula(1) Returns: difference -- difference (2) between the approximated gradient and the backward propagation gradient """ # Set-up variables parameters_values, _ = dictionary_to_vector(parameters) grad = gradients_to_vector(gradients) num_parameters = parameters_values.shape[0] J_plus = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1)) J_minus = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1)) gradapprox = np.zeros((num_parameters, 1)) # Compute gradapprox for i inrange(num_parameters): # Compute J_plus[i]. Inputs: "parameters_values, epsilon". Output = "J_plus[i]". # "_" is used because the function you have to outputs two parameters but we only care about the first one ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 3 lines) thetaplus = np.copy(parameters_values) # Step 1 thetaplus[i][0] = thetaplus[i][0] + epsilon # Step 2 J_plus[i], _ = forward_propagation_n(X,Y,vector_to_dictionary(thetaplus)) # Step 3 ### END CODE HERE ### # Compute J_minus[i]. Inputs: "parameters_values, epsilon". Output = "J_minus[i]". ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 3 lines) thetaminus = np.copy(parameters_values) # Step 1 thetaminus[i][0] = thetaminus[i][0] - epsilon # Step 2 J_minus[i], _ = forward_propagation_n(X,Y,vector_to_dictionary(thetaminus)) # Step 3 ### END CODE HERE ### # Compute gradapprox[i] ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) gradapprox[i] = (J_plus[i] - J_minus[i]) / (2.*epsilon) ### END CODE HERE ### # Compare gradapprox to backward propagation gradients by computing difference. ### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 1 line) numerator = np.linalg.norm(grad-gradapprox) # Step 1' denominator = np.linalg.norm(grad) + np.linalg.norm(gradapprox) # Step 2' difference = numerator / denominator # Step 3' ### END CODE HERE ###
if difference > 1e-7: print ("\033[93m" + "There is a mistake in the backward propagation! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m") else: print ("\033[92m" + "Your backward propagation works perfectly fine! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m") return difference
Gradient Checking is slow! Approximating the gradient with $\frac{\partial J}{\partial \theta} \approx \frac{J(\theta + \varepsilon) - J(\theta - \varepsilon)}{2 \varepsilon}$ is computationally costly. For this reason, we don’t run gradient checking at every iteration during training. Just a few times to check if the gradient is correct.
Gradient Checking, at least as we’ve presented it, doesn’t work with dropout. You would usually run the gradient check algorithm without dropout to make sure your backprop is correct, then add dropout.
What you should remember from this notebook:
Gradient checking verifies closeness between the gradients from backpropagation and the numerical approximation of the gradient (computed using forward propagation).
Gradient checking is slow, so we don’t run it in every iteration of training. You would usually run it only to make sure your code is correct, then turn it off and use backprop for the actual learning process.
You will use the following neural network (already implemented for you below). This model can be used:
in regularization mode – by setting the lambd input to a non-zero value. We use “lambd“ instead of “lambda“ because “lambda“ is a reserved keyword in Python.
in dropout mode – by setting the keep_prob to a value less than one
You will first try the model without any regularization. Then, you will implement:
L2 regularization – functions: “compute_cost_with_regularization()“ and “backward_propagation_with_regularization()“
Dropout – functions: “forward_propagation_with_dropout()“ and “backward_propagation_with_dropout()“
In each part, you will run this model with the correct inputs so that it calls the functions you’ve implemented. Take a look at the code below to familiarize yourself with the model.
defmodel(X, Y, learning_rate = 0.01, num_iterations = 15000, print_cost = True, initialization = "he"): """ Implements a three-layer neural network: LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->RELU->LINEAR->SIGMOID. Arguments: X -- input data, of shape (2, number of examples) Y -- true "label" vector (containing 0 for red dots; 1 for blue dots), of shape (1, number of examples) learning_rate -- learning rate for gradient descent num_iterations -- number of iterations to run gradient descent print_cost -- if True, print the cost every 1000 iterations initialization -- flag to choose which initialization to use ("zeros","random" or "he") Returns: parameters -- parameters learnt by the model """ grads = {} costs = [] # to keep track of the loss m = X.shape[1] # number of examples layers_dims = [X.shape[0], 10, 5, 1] # Initialize parameters dictionary. if initialization == "zeros": parameters = initialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims) elif initialization == "random": parameters = initialize_parameters_random(layers_dims) elif initialization == "he": parameters = initialize_parameters_he(layers_dims)
# Loop (gradient descent)
for i inrange(0, num_iterations):
# Forward propagation: LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> RELU -> LINEAR -> SIGMOID. a3, cache = forward_propagation(X, parameters) # Loss cost = compute_loss(a3, Y)
# Backward propagation. grads = backward_propagation(X, Y, cache) # Update parameters. parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads, learning_rate) # Print the loss every 1000 iterations if print_cost and i % 1000 == 0: print("Cost after iteration {}: {}".format(i, cost)) costs.append(cost) # plot the loss plt.plot(costs) plt.ylabel('cost') plt.xlabel('iterations (per hundreds)') plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate)) plt.show() return parameters
Zero initialization
There are two types of parameters to initialize in a neural network:
the weight matrices $(W^{[1]}, W^{[2]}, W^{[3]}, …, W^{[L-1]}, W^{[L]})$
the bias vectors $(b^{[1]}, b^{[2]}, b^{[3]}, …, b^{[L-1]}, b^{[L]})$
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize all parameters to zeros. You’ll see later that this does not work well since it fails to “break symmetry”, but lets try it anyway and see what happens. Use np.zeros((..,..)) with the correct shapes.
definitialize_parameters_zeros(layers_dims): """ Arguments: layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer. Returns: parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL": W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0]) b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1) ... WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1]) bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1) """ parameters = {} L = len(layers_dims) # number of layers in the network for l inrange(1, L): ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code) parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],layers_dims[l-1])) parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],1)) ### END CODE HERE ### return parameters
**What you should remember**:
- The weights $W^{[l]}$ should be initialized randomly to break symmetry.
- It is however okay to initialize the biases $b^{[l]}$ to zeros. Symmetry is still broken so long as $W^{[l]}$ is initialized randomly.
Random initialization
To break symmetry, lets intialize the weights randomly. Following random initialization, each neuron can then proceed to learn a different function of its inputs. In this exercise, you will see what happens if the weights are intialized randomly, but to very large values.
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize your weights to large random values (scaled by *10) and your biases to zeros. Use np.random.randn(..,..) * 10 for weights and np.zeros((.., ..)) for biases. We are using a fixed np.random.seed(..) to make sure your “random” weights match ours, so don’t worry if running several times your code gives you always the same initial values for the parameters.
definitialize_parameters_random(layers_dims): """ Arguments: layer_dims -- python array (list) containing the size of each layer. Returns: parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters "W1", "b1", ..., "WL", "bL": W1 -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[1], layers_dims[0]) b1 -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[1], 1) ... WL -- weight matrix of shape (layers_dims[L], layers_dims[L-1]) bL -- bias vector of shape (layers_dims[L], 1) """ np.random.seed(3) # This seed makes sure your "random" numbers will be the as ours parameters = {} L = len(layers_dims) # integer representing the number of layers for l inrange(1, L): ### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 2 lines of code) parameters['W' + str(l)] = np.random.randn(layers_dims[l],layers_dims[l-1]) * 10 parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layers_dims[l],1)) ### END CODE HERE ###
return parameters
In summary:
Initializing weights to very large random values does not work well.
Hopefully intializing with small random values does better. The important question is: how small should be these random values be? Lets find out in the next part!
He initialization
Finally, try “He Initialization”; this is named for the first author of He et al., 2015. (If you have heard of “Xavier initialization”, this is similar except Xavier initialization uses a scaling factor for the weights $W^{[l]}$ of sqrt(1./layers_dims[l-1]) where He initialization would use sqrt(2./layers_dims[l-1]).)
Exercise: Implement the following function to initialize your parameters with He initialization.
Hint: This function is similar to the previous initialize_parameters_random(...). The only difference is that instead of multiplying np.random.randn(..,..) by 10, you will multiply it by $\sqrt{\frac{2}{\text{dimension of the previous layer}}}$, which is what He initialization recommends for layers with a ReLU activation.
As usual you will follow the Deep Learning methodology to build the model:
1. Initialize parameters / Define hyperparameters
2. Loop for num_iterations:
a. Forward propagation
b. Compute cost function
c. Backward propagation
d. Update parameters (using parameters, and grads from backprop)
4. Use trained parameters to predict labels